2023 Atlas Migration Patterns Study

Atlas Van Lines 2023 Migration Patterns Study shows people are moving to states that are good for business, while leaving some of the most affordable states.

Prioritizing Operational Up-Time During Lab Move

Moving perfectly calibrated lab equipment and highly sensitive lab chemicals requires specialized services. Doing it while keeping lab operations running requires extraordinary planning. Ace Relocation delivered on both.

Things to Consider When Planning a Laboratory Move


Whether for a university, hospital, or biotech company, moving a laboratory operation requires special preparation beyond a traditional business move. There are many important steps that should be addressed carefully when relocating your laboratory equipment to a new space. Here are a few main things to consider when beginning to plan your laboratory move.

2022 Atlas Migration Patterns Study

2022 Atlas Migration Study Infographic

Atlas Van Lines’ data shows that people are leaving some of the most affordable states like Iowa, Indiana, and Illinois, indicating cost of living is being surpassed by other motivations to move, like being closer to family.

2022 Year-In-Review

2022 Ace Relocation Year in Review

We moved over 150 million pounds, traveled almost 27 million miles, reached all-time-high customer satisfaction scores and more. Take a look at our 2022 highlights!