Your New Home: 5 Things to Do When Moving In
Your New Home: 5 Things to Do When Moving In
There are a lot of things to think about when moving into a new home.
Frequently people can be so focused on moving out of their current home, that they overlook some of the most important things they should do at their new home. Here are 5 common things you should consider prior to moving into your new home.
One of the best things you can do for yourself after moving into your new home is have it professionally cleaned. You will be busy settling into your new home and community so having someone else do a post-move clean will go a long way in reducing your stress and making you feel at home. You can search for a reputable cleaning service before moving day or see if your moving company offers this service. Ace Relocation offers the option of professional cleaning services after move-in so all you need to worry about is settling in.

When you close on the house, they hand over the keys. But who else might have that same key? The previous owners may have provided keys to neighbors, friends, relatives, dog walkers, or others. It’s important to change the locks on your new home even if you trust the previous owners. There’s just no telling how many sets of keys have been distributed. To keep your new home safe, arrange to have the locks changed before, or quickly after, you move in.

When moving into a new home, people frequently think about how to make it their own. They think about things like new carpeting and fresh paint. But what about the air? Changing the air filters is something many people never think about but it’s one of the most cost-effective things you can do to improve the environment in your new home. After installing new filters, set your system to “Fan On”, even if you aren’t running the heat or air conditioning. This will circulate the air in your home and run it through the filters, helping to clean out dust and other allergens.

Terminating the utilities at your old home is only half the equation. You want to ensure all utilities are set up and ready to roll when you move into your new home. Utilities can include services such as electricity, water and/or sewer, natural gas, garbage, recycling, and even home security service. Give yourself and your utility providers plenty of time. About a month out, identify who your providers will be. Contact each of them about 2 to 3 weeks prior to your move and set up your accounts. Some providers may need to physically come to your new home to set up service, so you’ll need to plan for that as well. On the day you move in, check to ensure all services are operating.

Although some people consider internet a utility, we think it’s important enough to be its own category! No matter what your situation looks like—young kids, teenager, adults only—chances are you rely on internet for LOTS of your daily activities. Whether it’s for work, entertainment, or just general communication, most people connect to the internet constantly. Some internet providers can transfer your plan from your old home to your new, so that’s a good place to start. If that’s not possible, research your options for providers at your new home and make arrangements to have it set up before or when you move in. Having functioning internet goes a long way in making you feel at home in your new space.