About Move for Hunger
Move for Hunger is a non-profit organization that works with the moving industry to provide food for families in need. 1 out of 6 Americans are struggling to find their next meal, while one out of 7 Americans relocate each year. That is why moving companies are in the perfect position to take action against hunger in our nation.
Ace Relocation has teamed up with Move for Hunger and is responsible for promoting the program to our customers and for transporting the food they donate to our local food bank. The food that we collect will go directly to those in our community who need it most.
Donate Your Food When You Move
Save yourself time plus a trip to the local food bank and leave everything to the Ace Relocation crew!
Commonly accepted nonperishable “shelf-stable” items to donate:
Canned fruit
Canned meats
Canned soups
Canned veggies
Coffee & drink mixes
Dried beans
Peanut butter
Moving for hunger to ensureSeason's Eatings in Orange County
Ace Relocation Los Angeles helped the Orange County food bank by moving 30 pallets of food to the Orange County Fairgrounds.
Our very own Joshua Wilson, general manager of Ace Relocation Los Angeles, and his wife Amy, with Orange Coast Recovery Kitchen, helped prepare and distribute meal kits to help end food insecurities in Orange County.
pulling for a great cause 2022 Bay Area Truck Pull
Each year Ace Relocation sponsors and proudly supplies the mode and muscle for Move for Hunger’s signature fundraising event, the Bay Area Truck Pull!
Teams of 10 compete to see who can pull our Ace Relocation truck 100 feet, the fastest. This year's event took place at the USS Hornet Sea, Air and Space Museum and was a fun-filled day of trucks, vendors & prizes to raise money for hunger relief programs.